How do people get abs?

I'm looking for someone who HAS abs. Or someone who knows how to get them. How do you start off. What did you eat? What do you eat now to keep your abs?! I know you must loose belly fat first, but just where did you start?

How to Lose Weight in Your Legs in a Week

Recommended Answer: 300 calories through diet and 200 through exercise everyday. Track calories everyday. When you hit weight Loss plateau drop 100 calories. Lift weights to maintain muscle eat high protein. To keep abs you have to eat at whatever calories your at when you get them. I only have abs for the summer and I bulk and get obese in the winter so I can gain muscle lol

Other Answers:

  • i have abs and the only thing i did was sit ups. thats the best way because its an exercise that concentrates on the abs only. i ate chicken breasts because they were low in calories and high in proteins for muscles. it took me 3 months. i did about 300 a day.
  • you don't need to lose tht belly fat nessarily, im average and i do step up crunches, and side turns. but if you just do abs i would recommend doing abs and running on the trendmill, if your kinda big tho. i hope this helps you


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