Overweight and pregnant?

I was 170 when I found out I'm pregnant (I'm 5'8) and I am 21 weeks now. I've only gained 2 pounds (the baby is fine, growing well, everything's perfect. Just had an appt yesterday). Will I be able to lose the weight in about 6 months? And how? If I watch what I eat now and stay active will it make it quicker to lose weight afterwards?

How to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Now that you are eating for the developing baby it is a great time to change your eating habits to a healthy life diet of whole foods.Avoid as much processed and refined food as possible for proper fetal nutrition and weight loss during and after birth.Add some moderate exercise. I have seen women at the gym that were exercising aggressively all the way up to delivery.My cousin competed in a Iron Man competition six weeks after delivery.

Other Answers:

  • Just really watch what u eat now.so do put on so much weight in the next 9 months
  • Don't diet while pregnant. Wait until the baby is born. Be as active as a good doctor recommends. Don't overdo it. It's not worth it.


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