How can I lose weight?

I'm 5 feet and .4 of an inch tall, and I weigh 115 pounds. I am also 15. I used to run cross country and I really liked my body. However, in January I stopped running and exercise altogether until softball season in March. I really want to lose 10 pounds by the end of august, which is when school starts again. Ever since my sports ended I haven't really done exercise consistently and I've been eating a lot more out of sheer boredom. I don't even fit into my jeans comfortably anymore. Is there a way to lose this weight and do you have any tips?

How to Lose Weight Without Cardio

Recommended Answer:

You should be able to come close to losing 10 lbs in 5 weeks; that's 2 lbs per week.You can't out-exercise a bad diet, but because you're also not morbidly obese, you're going to feel the best if you combine diet and exercise. If you do an hour of cardio 5 days a week and eat 1200 calories' worth of good, nutritious food per day, give or take, you'll lose the weight. Pay attention to serving sizes and don't "eyeball" it; if you don't own a food scale to weigh out your portions, at least use a measuring cup. Volumetric measurements aren't as accurate as weight measurements, but it's better than guesstimating. Being 15, you don't have a lot of control over what you eat, but ask your parents to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables and less stuff that comes in boxes, if possible.You'll need to stop the boredom-snacking, which can be hard, I know. Here's a tip: if you find yourself staring into the fridge or pantry and thinking "Man, I need *something,*" that something is water. It's always water. When you go to get a snack, drink a glass of water first, and see if that feeling doesn't go away. You've played sports, you know how important hydration is.

Other Answers:

  • Go on a diet and workout.
  • Dude, you're perfect the way you are. I'm 5'6, 145 lbs. You're way skinnier than me!!
  • Hi,Start getting more exercise. Start walking around your neighborhood. Walk quickly to burn up more calories. When you are in your bedroom getting bored do calisthenics. Toe touches, deep knee bends, sit-ups, push ups. That kind of thing.Instead of eating when you get bored, get up and go for a walk or run. Just stay active and away from the tv.


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