My doctor wants me to gain weight, how do I turn the extra weight into lean muscle?

So, I loved the way I looked before I went into the doctor but then we realized I needed a LOT more calories in order to nourish my body properly and gain some weight. I don''t want to gain weight but know I need to in order to be can I turn this weight that I''m gaining into lean muscle as I''m gaining it... I already notice a little more weight and I don''t like it and want to make muscle out of it...advice? :(

Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles

Recommended Answer:
If you are looking to gain lean muscle mass instead of fat on your frame, I suggest you look into eating a high calorie diet, sleeping well and doing the right workout. Only then will you be able to gain 1 pound of muscle weight every week.

A high calorie diet that is filled with carbohydrates is suggested above all other diet is because a high carbohydrate diet does little to screw your body up. Protein leaves behind nitrates which puts unnecessary stress on the liver and kidneys while fat makes you multiply fat cells which soon will be out of control. If you are looking to gain weight, I suggest you look into eating things like potatoes, pasta, noodles, bread, biscuit and rice 6 times a day. That will provide the calorie surplus you need to grow. If eating 6 meals a day is difficult to accomplish or takes up too much time, I suggest you look to drink 500ml of milk 3 times a day to make up for the calories you need. Increase the amount by 100ml until you see a desired 1 pound gain on the scale after a week of effort.

The next thing to definitely get right to prime your body for growth is sleep. Many people do not get enough sleep let alone quality sleep. Both is needed to ensure that you will be fully energized as well as fully recovered to grow. Your body grows slower if it is under stress like uncomfortable sleeping condition which could make you fall sick easily, nullifying your gains back into the ground. I would suggest sleeping and waking up all by yourself if possible and if not, simply remember to do it 2 times during the weekends.

Lastly, exercise is the trigger to gain weight. Many people spread the basic logic that if you are looking to gain, you should stop everything else to prevent unnecessary calorie loss. However, that is solving the problem on the surface like using a bucket to bail out water when your boat has a hole and it is sinking. What you need to do is finding the "hole" and plunge it, then bail out the water. Muscle building is essential as it stabilize your body weight instead of letting your diet and activity level chew through your progress. Gaining muscle also helps you to gain in places where you want it to grow; making it an ideal choice if you are looking to spot gain. I suggest you take a look at for a workout regime that I''m sure will help you to gain weight.

  • One thing helps me gain my weight. you need to sleep early starts at 7PM and have a proper excercise
    you dont need to eat that much. I tell you a longer hours of sleep will help you gain your weight. Sleep at night is really the best thing to gain weight.
  • Focus on a diet more on protein as these are the building blocks of your muscles. Consult a fitness instructor in your locale and ask for help on exercise routines that would help you build up muscle, with proper specifics on where you want them and how big you want them to be.
  • you need to lift weights 40-60 mins a session
    and eat more proteins 15 grams of protein for each pound u weigh
    20x your body weight from calories...

    and try taking whey protein
  • First concept: You CANNOT turn fat into muscle - just like how you can''t turn dirt into gold.

    1. Lose the fat through intense cardio regime
    2. Eat a balanced diet towards the goal you want to achieve: toned/skinny/whatever it is
    3. Begin a resistance training regime

    Question is do you have what it takes? It''s going to be hard and there are times when you are going to want to quit.
  • Yes, I would consult your doctor first. You may risk muscle tears because it seems like you probably grew fast.


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