how could i lose a lot of weight in two weeks?

what exercises to do everyday / how long for?
What food?

The 2009 Fattest Cities in America - Can the People in Those Cities Lose Weight Quickly?

Recommended Answer:

Fitness plans and diets:

1.   Healthy Foods:
•   Chicken Breast with no skin on or fat on
•   Lean Beef with no skin on or fat on
•   Eat 2 eggs a day
• Eat Alaskan Fish, not Atlantic Fish because of mercury
      i.    All four meat category are you to take in proteins rather than bad fat
      ii.   There is good fat vs. bad fat: HDL vs. LDL
•   Low Salt/Sodium
•   Eat a lot of veggies and fruits for they could help your body
      i.    Fruits:
                o         Berries helps you to look young because of vitamin E/Antioxidant
                o         Other fruits like apples, pairs, watermelon, etc., are good for your skin and the immune system
      ii.   Vegetable:
                o   Good in fiber, which helps you to digest more. Don’t eat too much fiber or else you will have a diarrhea
                o   Eat healthy vegetable, no potatoes because it has high carbs
•   Watch out for high carbs, trans fat, and saturated fat because they are not good for you
•   Use Olive Oil because it is better than Canola, Corn, Sesame, and lard oil since the extra virgin makes it uncooked. It’s better to eat it raw because of antioxidant. If you cook it, you oxidized it. Therefore, you use it as your salad dressing, or eat it with whole wheat bread
•   Use Coconut oil for frying foods; however, don’t be scared of its saturated fats because you need those natural oil to lubricate your arteries so they won’t explode into a friction burst.
•   Eat only brown rice, whole wheat bread, and other low carbs if you want to lose your belly fat
•   Eat a lot of avocados because you need Omega 3 to destroy the mercury in your brain in order to maintain a healthy brain
•   Eat a lot of walnuts, almonds (vitamin E/Antioxidant), and other nuts as well because they increase your immune system.
       i.   Good fats
•   Always look at the nutrition facts back at the menu of the food category. It tells you how much calorie, carbs, and bad fats your taking in. Make sure the percentage is below 10% of carbs, high protein percentage (doesn''t matter how high because it is good for you), and 0% saturated fats
•   Pork is out from the menu. You can’t eat too much pork because it of its fats. Also, it may do some bone irritation that leads to a painful cause between a joint

•   No junk food
       i.   Say goodbye to taco bell, mcdonald’s burgers, and other fast food restaurants
•   Drink a lot of water and squeezed juice. It’s good for you. This is how the Asian rules in their culture
       i.   Orange juice from Winco, Food max, etc., are optional if you want
•   Don’t eat cereal, eat oatmeal. That will be your carb intake for your workout. Also, eat some meat as well.
       i.   Make sure you don’t eat things until you are full. That is bad for your stomach because it stretches your stomach in a bad way
               o   Don’t be like Takeru Kobayashi who has stomach injuries
•   The only time you can eat junk food is on the first day of the month. That is the only time you can eat junk food before going back your old routine.
       i.   1 day per month
       ii.   30 days of nutrition diets
•   Always take whey protein. After you drink it, wait for 10 min. for it to digest. As for regular foods, wait for an hour to digest so that it can be in your system before you workout

2.   Weight Training:
•   The lighter you carry, the more cutter you are
•   The heavier you carry, the bigger you get
•   Carbs burn faster and you get more cutter if you eat a lot of carbs by carrying heavy or light weight if you want
•   Proteins makes your muscle big
•   If you want instructions of how to workout, go and checkout Jerome fitness on
•   Workout from Mondays through Thursday. Rest on Fridays and the weekends
•   Do some burnout techniques as well. I hope you can look it up of what it is because it is hard for me to explain it to you.

3.   Cardio-workout:
•   Do a lot of running, plyometric, and burpees (killer fat) as well
•   Workout from Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Rest on Sundays.

I hope this works for you……

  • Why do you want to lose weight? Rapid weight loss/gain is bad for you.
  • Alot of weight in two weeks like alot more than 4 lbs I''m thinking right. Okay run alot and stop eating everything except water. Ya you''ll be skinnier, but have an awful time sleeping, grumpy, HUNGRY, headaches and you might get admitted to the hospital but hey you might just drop the pounds you needed too
  • I agree with much that has been posted. However what has worked for me which has yielded incredible results including body composition (looking sexy as hell in the mirror naked) is

    -Paleo Diet

    It''s So effective that the United States military is doing away with their old physical fitness program and is now utilizing Crossfit as their standard.

    Paleo is amazing too. Just requires a cook book and learn how to cook healthy stuff.

    No sugar
    No grains (tortilla, corn, wheat, pasta, rice)
  • Walk, walk and walk some more.


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