Help Me Lose Weight by Burning Fat in the Gym
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Cardio wil give you abit of muscle tone but it will be a subtle difference. Trust me, I do weights so I know that only lifting will make you legs become ''buff.'' Doing squats with heavy weights (over 200 pounds) will make your legs look bigger but doing lots and lots of cardio will only make very small differences. Please dont refrain from doing cardio because of this reason. You will lose plenty of fat and gain minimal muscle with a good regular cardio routine.
- Don''t walk for a couple of months? you could get a wheelchair
- Gaining muscle while doing cardio is inevitable. Most cardio uses almost all of the body, so while you''re working and using those same parts over and over they will start to strengthen. Running, biking, swimming. They burn major fat, and as you do it routinely you will see more tone in your body. You won''t be BUFF... just toned.
Hope this helped
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