I would cook for myself but my mum doesnt buy that sort of food.
Quickest Way to Lose Weight - How Lose Weight Quickly
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Wanting to eat healthy and wanting to starve yourself are completely different things, I hope you realize that.
It''s good that you''re exercising for and hour and a half, that is absolutely necessary for weight loss. Running is a great way to exercise if you aren''t running already. But make sure that you do give your body some recovery time so your muscles can actually grow, not too much, but maybe choose one day a week when you will exercise lighter and then do something like yoga.
If your mother refuses to buy healthy food then for now what I would do is simply count calories. You''ve made it very clear that you think it''s impossible to get her to buy healthy food, so you''ll just have to take what you can get. You want to be eating about 1800(Realize that I don''t now how tall/old you are, so look up how many calories a day you need for your height/age/weight/etc.) to loose weight and keep it off, if you go too low then your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto all of your fat, and then, when you finally stop starving yourself (because you can''t do it forever, you may think you can, but you can''t) and eat all of the unhealthy food you say you have it will go straight back into fat. Do NOT drink diet soda though, EVER. That shit is nasty. Drink water, as much water as you can, because if you really only have junk food then your body''s gonna need a lot of help trying to get all of the toxins out of your body.
You can always buy your own groceries, if you really want to. Earn money babysitting or walking your neighbors dog (which is also exercise so that would be good too), stuff like that. Yeah, maybe it''s more fun to blow your money on something else, but if you are really committed you will take that money and buy yourself some decent food. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, water, and anything that grows straight out of the ground that you can eat in it''s original and natural form (for example, an apple would be better than nasty processed applesauce). If you are going to be buying your own groceries then I can see why you might choose the cheaper veggies over the organic ones, but when you have a choice, pick foods with one ingredient on the label (for example some organic, unsalted peanut butter might have "Organic roasted peanuts" as its only ingredient, where stuff like Skippy and Jiff would have that, plus sugar, plus hydrogenated oils, and other shit).
Make friends with people who eat healthy, seriously. Go over to their house and have a healthy dinner with them instead of an unhealthy dinner at your house. I know that sounds bad but hey, you want to be healthy and loose that 40lbs right?
And last but not least, talk to your mother about what you would like to eat, why you want to eat that, and how it would benefit not only you, but her and your brother as well. Look up grocery costs if that''s the issue, and make a valid argument.
- orrr.. cook for youself.
(added: you can eat the food she buys, just prepare it without all the extra fats and stuff. It''s about portion sizes) - DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Your body needs that energy and whatever nutrients that are contained in it, starving yourself could be dangerous if the body is put under more than it can handle.
- Starving yourself is about the worst thing you can do to your body. Instead, why not ask to go grocery shopping with your mom or offer to cook 2 healthy meals a night? Or educate your family on healthful eating choices. Don''t starve yourself. That is a hard, tough, painful road to go down
- Starving yourself will not make you loose weight because when you do eat then the food will be stored as fat instead of being used for energy so you will be fat anyway. The better solution is to cook for yourself or try to eat the least amount of junk food as you can with out starving yourself. Try to stop drinking pop because that will also help. Exersize more and drink lots of water. Sometimes when you feel hungery u are actually thirsty. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!!! It won''t help it will just make you more unhealthy
- Don''t starve yourself worst possible option!
Eat healthier and cut down on junk food!
Try to ask your mom if you can start shopping with her and buy healthier foods when you''re with her.
Ask her if the two of you can join a gym together... or join a zumba class so much fun!
Good luck, luv dumpling - just throw it up after you eat it
- Protip when you starve yourself your body goes into starvation mode and the first thing you eat will be stored as fat and Your body will start burning muscle aswell as fat. So... DONT DO IT :<
Second Protip Don''t DRINK ANYTHING Except for water.
Third Protip: try and walk an hour a day - when you starve yourself, you will lose weight.
but if you Eat anything, you Will regain weight by the DOUBLE AMOUNT
the best way to lose weight is
1) diet ( low calories)
2) Cardio Workouts
3) Strenght Workouts
4) Supplements
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