Am I skinny-fat? And if so, what can do to lose the "fat" part?

I am 14 years old, 5''4, and 112 pounds. I look and am considered skinny (not abnormally or unhealthily so, but just very slender) but when I take my clothes off I have a rather bloated tummy with little pouches of fat on the side. The rest of my body is just thin---my arms look toned and my legs look toned but my legs definitely could be more toned. Do I fit under the description of skinny-fat?

I really do not watch my diet---I''m a compulsive overeater and stock up on chocolate and all sorts of other sugary or otherwise unhealthy foods. And while I am an active/hyper person (always jumping or hopping or running around or whatever) I do not actually participate in sports or formal exercise.

Losing Weight Fast - The Side Effects of Losing Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:
You''re in the middle. More on the skinny side. But don''t worry about your weight, you''re at a perfect one.


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