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Hello friends, Now i give you some weight loss tips. Please follow my instruction
1. Go walking
2. Control your eating
3. regular exercise
4. Do not sleep over
5.Motivate yourself
6.Avoid hunger
7.Practice the Rule of One
8.Eat out without pigging out
9.Write everything down
10.Eat eggs
11.Drink milk
12.Give up smoking
I think it is best tips for weight loss
- Drink ice cold water, 80z of cold water burns about 17.5 calories.
Do only cardio exercises becasue it's not muscular and basically you burn more calories faster
Some cardio exercsies are:
walking briskly
frog squats
jump roping(in 15 minutes you can burn about 200-300 calories, go at your own pace, dont go non-stop)
Eat around 1,000- 1,300 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week.
Limits your fruits, eat about 2 or 3 a day
Eat more vegetables
Never cook vegetables or you will lose the vitamns and nutrients that it has. - Eat healthy. You don't have to completely cut out junk food but limit it for sure. Eat FRESH fruits and veggies. Stat active. Run. Don't eat too LITTLE CALORIES!
- I would say :
- Eat 6 small meals through out the day, rather than 3 large meals. This will keep your bodies metabolism going.
- Cut out/down the carbs, espically white pasta, white rice, bread, eat wholemeal.
- Do not eat anything after 7/8pm, epsically no/very little carbs for dinner.
- Go gym at least, 3-5 times a week, weight training( can be heavy or light) + cardio is the optimum combination to lose the weight.
- Drink lots of water. Cut out all the fizzy drinks.
- Calorie count, keep a diary of what you eat and how many calories you have had, this will enable you not to over eat.
- Protien shakes, such as diet whey, is great for calorie control and weight management, - I have used these as a healthy alternative for a meal if I am on the go, or in a rush.
- Eat lots of fruit, however be careful not to over do it, fruits contain alot of sugar
- Grapefruits, blueberries are great for weight loss. - green tea and fruits
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