How to Lose Weight Fast on Fable 2
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1) Buy some dumbbells if you don't own any.2) Get light weighted dumbbells (5 pound if girl, 10 pounds if guy). (Not too light of you, but not heavy for you at all) This is just to put in some cardio3) Lift on each arm slowly a good 5 reps of 10. Which means you've lifted 50 times on each hand. You can just do this 3 times a day. (Once in morning, noon, and afternoon. Never before you go to sleep)4) You can organize the number of reps and everything how ever you want, but you should start off with low numbers, then day by day gradually grow the number of times you lifted on each arm, such as "5 reps of 10 (50 each arm)" to "10 reps of 100 (1,000 each arm)"5) Use these cardio dumbbells for about 4 weeks, then buy some muscle dumbbells (NOT the big one where you need 2 hands, the small ones), where it's kinda a challenge for you to lift it, but not heavy enough where you struggle to lift it. (15lbs if girl, 25lbs if guy)6) Stretch your arms before and after lifting the muscle dumbbells.7) Ditto. Same as the cardio dumbbells, do what ever rep organization that satisfy's you, then grow daily. Eventually, buy some heavier dumbbells.~~~8) If you have a Wii, I suggest buying this game called "Wii Active" (that blue kind). That helped me lose 10 pounds in 1 month! Though my diet changed just a little, but Wii Active motivated me to stick with it for a while.~~~9) Excising won't do it alone, here's a water diet tip. Try to drink either 8 glasses of water a day. Drink nothing BUT water everyday. Drink a cup of water every hour that you're up. Drink water when you first wake up, drink water before and/or during any meal. Water water WATER! It'll help you with the weight loss and it'll make you look healthier!~~~10) The End :)Other Answers:
- Exercising when you first wake up is what you need. Before you eat breakfast...or supper if you wake up at 4 like me, go on a walk, or jog. Your burning straight fat. Muscles are needy things, so it's a good idea to work out the largest muscles. Swimming is said to be the best workout possible
- Its 80% nutrition and 20%exercise. Cut out the obvious...deserts sodas white bread pasta....and do will lean out then hit thr weights...but you must eat clean.....good luck
- Hi!In the diet: eat something nutritious breakfast, lunch seven minutes full night to eat five minutes full, eat more fruits and vegetables.Sports: Try the following sports bar can not only lose weight but also to maintain a good shape. Easy in easy weight loss exercise weight loss drugs, weight loss equipment, medicine and other ways to lose weight prevalent today, people seem to forget that the most economical, most methods without side effects - movement.Luda Fu said China Association diet, exercise to lose weight is the most healthy way to lose weight, but perseverance.The various types of exercise to lose weight, the swimming is worth to recommend the best exercise program, swimming shape good shape. Often swim in shape; who could not swim, bubbles in the water, playing water fights, have little effect on weight loss. Swimming conducive to weight loss because:1. Swimming large energy consumption. This is due to the resistance of the water when swimming overland movement is far greater than the resistance of the air, walk in the water are laborious, then swim swim, certainly consume more calories.2. Thermal conductivity of water 24 times greater than air, the water temperature is generally lower than the temperature, which is conducive to heat dissipation and heat consumption. Therefore, the energy consumption of swimming than running a large number of projects such as land, so weight loss is more obvious.To exercise regularly. I wish you a successful weight loss!
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