I have enough money for 3 days in the gym , how can I make the most of it and lose as much at as possible ?

I found a gym for €6 a day and I have €18 now. I have belly and chest fat and I want to get skinny. How can I make the most of it and lose as much fat as possible ?Also , what happens if I do the gym 3 days a week and the next few weeks I don't go ?

How to Lose Weight With Shift Work

Recommended Answer:

If there's a pool, swim. If a track, run. Otherwise, stairmaster and free weights. Get an orientation free.

Other Answers:

  • Google the military diet, but I warn you, it's not for everyone.
  • Save your money, three days isn't going to do you any good, and at €180 a month, that's not much of a deal.Start eating clean, no sweets, sodas, fast/fried/junk foods, and cut way back on sauces, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins (fish and skinless chicken), and get your heartrate up for 30 minutes a day, not including warm-up and cool-down. A vigorous walk can accomplish that.Gyms aren't magical places where weight loss happens, Life is.
  • The Gym is mainly for professional bodybuilders to bulk up their muscles and train for bodybuilding show contests. There has been a lot of misconceptions around the world about how and where the excercise should be done. In general, the general public and sports athletes (except the weight lifters) should not be focused on gym excercises unless if the person is some muscle maniac freak looking to build muscles for a show as in becoming a bodybuilder.Excercise is not confined to a gym, do you know that? Even Sports Athletes and Gymnasts DON"T necessarily visit the gym do the excercises in the gym often, yet they are so lean, ripped, muscular and powerful.Go for Runs, Jumping Jacks, do Pull Ups using a Pull Up Bar, do Push Ups/Dips, Squats and (Standing + Seated + Standing Reverse) Calf Lifts. All these excercises can be done at HOME, at parks or the outdoor fitness areas. Strength Excercises like the Pull Ups, Push Ups/Dips and Squats in REALITY are a lot more efficient in boosting metabolism spikes, build muscle faster and burn more fat than using weight machines and doing isolation excercises using free weights at the gym. Try walking up and down the stairs. Do housework. Don't Laze around by sitting and laying all day long.You should watch your diet as well. Consume whole grains, White LEAN Meat, Vegetables and Fruits. Most of the foods that you consume should be mostly fresh and NOT Processed. Cut down on fried foods, fast foods, snacks, salads dressings, cakes, chocolates. Have Foods that are STEAMED, PLAIN and SIMPLE to prepare would be best.


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