How to Lose Weight Fast by Not Eating
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Its not strictly "bad" per say. It depends on your goals. If you want to loose weight than yes it is a bad thing because weight loss begins with cardio (your heart pumping). If you take time to rest than you will also be inadvertantly giving your heart time to slow down. Hence, delaying the weight loosing effects of cardio. however, If you are strictly looking to gain than you can take as much time as you want to in between sets. The more time you spend resting makes getting exhausted less likely. And if you aren't exhausted than you can do more sets. More sets equals more reps. more reps equal more muscle fiber tearing. More muscle fiber tearing means more gains of solid lean muscle mass. I hope this has helped. Best of luck to youOther Answers:
- Doing sit-ups will only make you appear fatter. Assuming you're doing them right, they're gonna grow under your fat and make your gut stick out more.Like the person above said, you need to do heart-pumping exercises. Eventually, your abs will show with the decrease of fat all around your body; not just your mid section.
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