Recommended Answer:
You need a 3000 calorie diet composted of whole foods. Mainly protein. Brown Rice/Beans/Chicken ( not fried) / Beef/ potatoes ect And you need to do strength training look up a mass building work out routine and follow it. You will gain weight and become stronger. I was like you too!Other Answers:
- Well yeah taller people tends to have faster metabolism... Eat more or just add healthy fats in your diet (Almonds, nut butter, olive oil...)
- I had a similar height and weight. I gained a lot of weight by eating long big meals 3-4 times per day. Lots of protein. I also lifted weights, especially squats. That gives you good leg muscles and core strength. If you don't feel like you're much of a weight person, you can always do something else like play soccer, or run or ride your bike.
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