How to gain weight for adolesent male?

I am 5 8/ 5 9 and 115 pounds I am 14 years old and am really having a hard time gaining weight. I eat regular meals but usually skip brekfast. I could run the track but I'm afraid ill burn fat and lose more wieght. I am active play multiple sports but being so skinny and tall just looks really unhealthy. I really need help gaining weight because as I'm getting taller and taller I'm just getting more skinny. My sternum pokes out and maybe because I'm so skinny. Any medication to slow my metabolisim or certain foods i should/shouldnt eat would be very helpful thanks. Would really appreciate some help.

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

If you want to put on weight, you should work out, to insure that youput on muscle and not fat. Healthy weight gain, just like healthyweight loss, takes time and requires a conscious effort to apply goodhabits.Recommended Ways to Gain WeightHave meals with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and theright kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats,olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). Heinemannsuggests the following ratio: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein,and a small amount of fat.Eat foods higher in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposedto higher in fat or sugar. Pack more nutritious calories in eachserving. For example, you may add grated cooked eggs to mashedpotatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese in casseroles,eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, andmashed potatoes.If you get too full too fast, try having more high-calorie foods orslices of foods as opposed to consuming the whole thing (raisinsversus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slicesversus the whole mango).Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour before and after a meal.Drink mixed juices (apple/berry, peach/orange/banana as opposed to onejuice beverages) for a higher calorie intake. With moderation, you mayadd in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, andfatty fish (salmon and mackerel).Snack in between meals. Nuts, dried fruits, and yogurtare good options, but it's also important to find nutritious foodsthat you will enjoy. Have a nutritious snack before bedtime, such as apeanut butter sandwich.

Other Answers:

  • Maybe work out and build muscle
  • eat cheese
  • Honestly buddy, don't try too hard to gain weight until you're about 16, when you can start taking protein,creatine, and lift heavy. You'll just stack on fat if you try to now. Besides, it's too hard at your age. Your metabolism is burning like a wildfire, just burning everything you eat.I'm not trying to persuade you not to work out or eat healthy, but at your age, you should just be creating a good foundation for when you do want to bulk up. Just do lots of bodyweight exercise and lift some light weights. Don't lift weights over your head yet, as they can compress your spine and possibly stunt your growth. Don't try exercises such as military press or dumbbell press until you're at least 16.Good luck!
  • To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.


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