How to Lose Weight While on Effexor XR
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People have been doing that for years ;)It has the same consistency, basically once all the ingredients are mixed. Since "Greek Yogurt is SO thick," I'd stick with regular consistency as it will mix easier. You might want to "flavor the yogurt" (with some salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings you prefer) before you add the "whatever salad ingredients" that way, you can fold them together without "smashing everything" to get it incorporated. Ever used Greek Yogurt on a baked potato? YUM............Other Answers:
- Yes. If you get the Greek style yogurt, it's similar to sour cream.
- If you want to lose more weight, faster, easier, and get more energy, there are a lot of other recipes to try, and things to do.Rip Esselstyn @ TED, former firefighter and 12yr professional tri-athlete, food that satisfies Texas-beef guys, dropping weight and their cholesterol by 60pts. a good water full of electrolytes from fresh lemons--electrolytes are the master keys to how the body functions, an alkaline body is probably the best way to stay healthy. I vinegar wash the lemons, then slice and let soak in the water over night 1 lemon per 1/2 gal. Adding a tsp of good seasalt will mineralize the water, most of them have about 70 different minerals. For even more health some times I add some Ceylon cinnamon and/or honey, lots of benefits, just do a search.Alkaline body, naturally healthy weight, can lose up to 1lb/day when overweight:Dr Robert D. Young, medical microbiologist, on Alkaline Foods and Water -- CNN Alkaline Water --meas pH --acidic foods: animal protein The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health -- 100+ recipes basics: drink the right amount of water--use an online calculator, usually take a multi-vitamin, combine your food properly, exercise properly, avoid poisons (research fructose & aspartame, pesticides, gmos), look at getting the electrolytes and organic sulfur you need, research the best and worst foods. Increase health and cut costs by eliminating junk, all store drinks, grains cooked with legumes are high in all essential amino acids, and soups for breakfast, and invest in organic veggies as much as possible. alkaline foods: leafy greens (spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard, turnip greens, beet greens), lemons, cucumber, celery, spinach, avocado, hot & bell peppers, broccoli, unsalted olives, flax & hemp seeds, fatty fish (sea bass, tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel)Most acidic foods: beef, chicken, pork, dairy, eggs, vinegar, soy sauce, mushrooms, corn, peanuts, chocolate, tea, sodas (carbonated water); mushrooms & algae--found in rotting-toxic places, their purpose is to break down dead bodies, cancerous lungs are filled with them; dairy contains lactose-acid.Good luck! Good eat!
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