Hi you guys I need some help with healthy weight gain. I'm a 22yr old female and I'm currently 116lbs and 5'7. I think the heaviest I've ever been in my life was maybe 120 or 121. My problem is that I'm extremely thin and I want to put on muscle, I want to cut my abs and arms. One because my arms are tiny and my wrists are really weak, two because abs are sexy, ribs aren't. I use do weight lifting at home every other day for about 4 months with 20-25lbs dumbbells (I was very consistent) I noticed I was a lot stronger but saw few visual results. (In retrospect I think it was because I didn't move the weight up once I got comfortable with it) I did rows, push ups, pull-ups, concentrated curls, hammer curls, dead lifts, planks, and plain sit ups. Should I try a new routine? I have hardly any belly fat, you can see my ribs and hips. I'm not anorexic or bulimic or whatever, I really hate it when people call me that just because I can't gain weight. My dad says I should get into running but I think that's just going to make me lose weight and has nothing to do with my stomach and arms. I've heard doing weighted crunches are good for making people with little to no belly fat abs pop (which is what I want). Regular planks have helped a little bit in toning my upper abs but I'm not seeing results anywhere else on my stomach.My male and female friends my age are into crossfit, mountain climbing, yoga, bike 20 miles, swim 3 miles during lunch and a bunch of other stuff and look like f**king Superman and Wonder Woman and I look like Aqualad :/ I asked them how can I bulk up and they suggested I take whey protein and make sure I get all of my required calories everyday. But my issue with eating so much is that I feel tired and queasy, whereas normally I can eat 2 meals a day and be just fine. How can I MAKE myself eat all of my required calories? Does this mean I have to eat junk food? I've never been a fast food person growing up, I stay away from sodas and usually eat regular home cooked meals and drink a lot of tea a juice. But do these whey supplements really help? Since I'm a female is there a specific one I should take that I can maybe buy at Walmart (I went into GNC the other day and this guy arm wrestled me into buying a mass gainer for f**cking $48...kinda scared to try it). Anyway basically what I'm asking is what do I do for my arms, abs, and diet? I just want to bulk up, get stronger, and not look like such a wimp. Please don't be rude, I just need some advice. Thanks a bunch :)
How to Lose Stomach Weight Fast
Recommended Answer:
Most people would be jealous of your concern :), and I'm sure you look prefect just the way you are, haha.First off I think it's great that you are staying away from junk food, and I don't suggest you to try them at any point. It sounds like you are doing a lot of weight training (which I heard are for muscle growth). I'm not an expert in body training, but I can help you with food. Protein supplements do tend to help, however it is advice to eat food naturally with high protein, such as egg whites, meat, or milk. Unnatural supplement may contain a lot of excipients, such as excessive sugar or random chemicals that could possibly mess up your healthy habit. I feel they are really for people who are hardcore body trainers. Normally when people exercise more, they tend to eat more, especially for cardio exercises such as running, I think you shouldn't be scared to try it out. Stop if it doesn't increase your appetite. Personally I gained a lot of weight when I tried running, so I had to stay away from it :). Another thing you could try is to visit a nutritionist. It is possible that you could be experiencing some physical problem preventing you from absorbing all the nutrients that are being consumed.I hope you get to where you want soon!
Other Answers:
- Best whey supplement ,whey protein (for me) if you want to gain muscles you have to cut down fatty food and eat baked stuff .and train with light weights not that heavy because you dont want that huge arms and chest,so lift a weight of which you can do 12 to 15 reps,do burpees and other physical excersise also ,for good ribs i would say push ups and bench press would be fine, and dont forget cardio ...
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