What speed setting should you put on a treadmill when doing cardio to lose weight?

The maximum is 4.5 on the treadmill and i want to lose body fat not muscle im 14 and weigh 144 and want to weigh 134ibs please help 10 points for best answer

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Buying Anything

Recommended Answer:

It doesn't matter how fast, rather it matters how long you run. The longer your heart rate is up, the more calories you'll burn. Slow and steady.

Other Answers:

  • 3.5 to 4 is perfect for weight loss. Good luck! That's what I did for 4 months and lost 37 lbs.
  • Basically keep a calorie count per day and burn more calories a day then your body takes in. Calorie count is the key not so much the # on a treadmill. Hope I helped! You can try a calorie calculator through google.


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