How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Taking Pills
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Before you go to the juice (if you do), you shoud be eating like 5,000 calories a day and working out 3 hours a day, intesenly with no days off. Make it your religion.Take creatine, protein and all that. If you really wanted to you could cycle, but you would have to take the persons (gym rat, maybe you know someone on the football team with a source) word for it that that's what they were. You can't get it from a doctor (in all likelihood). If you want to, you could try or you could just do your best without the stuff and then move on to other goals that are more attainable.Otherwise, your whole life you'll be looking to cut corners when a ton can be accomplished when you walk the straight line. I would say pass ,but if you wanted to try it you could. It'd be a risk because a) you don't know what is. You would have to like inject it which could technically get infected. If you want to do it find a trustable person (I'm not sure that exists) who has done it before. Make sure you know what your doing and taking, it could cause hair loss, gynecostamia among other changes. Make sure your doing it as safe as it can possible be done if so.Other Answers:
- ugggh people always say this! You gotta eat! you say oh im eating alot well eat more. then you say hey i gained weight but cant gain anymore, well eat more. And keep eating more and more until you start gaining weight. Some people with fast metabolisms have to eat 5000 to maintain your bodyweight. Why risk your health when all you got to do is eat? You are not doing all you can and want something that can help. I'm eating 4000 calories at the moment and have stopped growing which means one thing i i need to eat this: skip to 1 min 50hey listen here "Chooch" what you talking about? I have a friend who trains MMA 4 hours a day and he eats 4000, that's four thousand calories and weighs 161 pounds. He also runs everywhere so yes you can have a huge diet and be very skinny. Talking about heart attack! maybe if all you did was sit on ya fat ass all day. And this is his bulk up where he eats so much he feels sick after meals, if he only eats when he was hungry he would be around 130-140 pounds.Do you understand now? when someone is so physically active and trains so much. You probably wont even believe this so i will give you an example you can check for your self. Michael Phelps a swimmer eats 12 thousand calories a day to maintain his weight and he is skinny. here take a look:
- LOL so you want you're balls to shrink dude? If you take steroids that will happen and you will never have sex again.
- Lol DK. You're right. His balls will shrink and he will never have sex again. Who don't want to have sex?
- Just take creatine or go to Gnc and get something called amplified muscle mass xxxx
- Are you joking us? I can't tell if you are sincere are not. First off, stereroids are highly illegal in high school sports and will tarnish any accomplishment you ever make. For example, I knew this guy who was incredibley jacked with a 400 lb bench press. No one respected him tho because they knew he took steroids in his 20s. Take creatine, it is the closest legal thing you will get to steroids. Many NCAA athletes use it. Do some research on it before you start.
- You will break out in zits, you'll go bald, and your junk will shrink. 20 to 40 years down the road you'll lose and arm or leg to some rare cancer, have organ damage, or both.I know you're saying just one cycle but almost nobody stops once they start.
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