How You Can Lose Weight Quickly and Safely
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We need to specify. Weight in the most conventional sense can be fat or muscle. For most people, fat is very easy to lose and gain (but especially easy to gain). Muscle is very hard to gain and not as hard to lose.
The body tends to hold on to fat once it has it though. But last I heard, fat cells will store more and more and more fat if you give them the calories to do so.
- For most people it is easier to gain weight through unhealthy eating and little to no exercise. But there are some people that it is easier for them to loose weight and they find it hard to gain wait.
- Depending on what you eat and how active you are gain. Metabolism really plays a big role in it
- Based on the individual. Gaining weight is an uphill battle for me. For others, it comes on very easily. I train like an athlete though so I''m not the norm.
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