How can i loose weight fast?

I want to lose weight by memorial day becasue my family is going on a vacay to florida and i want to look really good. I weigh about 190 and I am 5''6".I have no way of going to the gym or have any access to any weights. Also I cant run because I have problems with my knees and ankles. Does anyone have any ideas about how to loose weight? Thank you.

Wondering How To Lose Weight Quick?

Recommended Answer:
You should weigh about 125; losing 65 lbs would take at least 6 mo.
A good diet/exercise plan would be:

Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a big pot of it on weekends and scoop out 1/2 cup each morning. Add low fat milk, nuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.

Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on whole grain bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts and yogurt w/fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.

Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit: banana, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes, peach, nectarine, cherries, pineapple. No chips and nothing ever from a vending machine.

Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it.

Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.
Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.

Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers.

Foods to avoid: junk food, fast foods, pastries, desserts, sugar, salty foods, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, soda, chips. And of course no tobacco or alcohol in any form. Both of those add wrinkles and destroy your brain. No oil except olive and mac nut. Coffee also rots your brain.

To keep your skin clear, drink water. Veg. juice is good too. But not canned juice (too much sugar.)

Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer..

If you lack energy to exercise, take Super B complex.
To lose weight, try an appetite suppressant.

  • you dont always need weights. you can use something from your house, like old milk jugs(the 4 liter ones) filled with water. you still need to do cardio, so if you have access to swimming then do it. swimming is great for you.
    you dont always have to run, you can just walk, or kickboxing/shadow boxing. just get your heart rate up.
  • eat more pop sickles
  • Kat
    Instead of waddling up and down the staircase, try taking them two at a time. Now this is something that you have to be careful about because we do not want you to trip. So when you do this make sure that your feet are well and truly planted on each step before you increase the beat and try two at a time.
  • Try the lil jack workout… it really works
  • ^_^Don’t Eat Emotionally

    If you are serious about losing weight you have to force yourself to stick to your weight loss diet. Don’t use food as a way of satisfying your emotions. If you have emotional problems you should face them instead of using food as a way of masking the problem. If you can’t do it on your own, contact a psychiatrist to help you.
  • ^.^ Exercise Twice Every Day. Morning Sports, Evening Walk
    Exercise Twice a Day
    If you really want to lose weight fast you have to exercise regularly, preferably two times a day. Do the more heavy sports in the morning and make a long walk in the evening. If you don’t like exercising you can make it more fun by doing a different kind of activity every day of the week. Or find someone to team up with, this will make it a lot easier to maintain a daily exercise schedule. Exercising this way for a longer time period will result in you losing weight quick. Scientific studies have also shown exercising regularly is good for health and can even extend your life span. More on exercising twice a day on our workout twice a day to lose weight page.
    Tip:Do a cardio exercise right after you wake up, before breakfast. It’s a well known fact that doing cardio before breakfast gives added benefit to your fat loss rate when exercising. This is because your body is close to starvation mode after waking up, your body is out of energy because you didn’t eat for a long time.


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