Should I eat more calories or less?for muscle gain?

Ok so im a chubby kid 13 years old 5'8. I have man boobs etc. I have a benchpress ex curl bar and dumbells. Im trying to lose weight and get a body kind of like thad from bms or jax from sons of anarchy or opie from sons of anarchy lol. I wanna clean up my diet and start hittin the weights heavy 3 times a week. Monday,Wednesday,Friday. Im gonna do about 15 minutes of cardio before every workout. 3 set of 10 reps for everything in each workout. That includes, flat benchpress, ezcurlbar,dumbells. Should I eat more vegetables and drop the junk food?would that help with muscle gain. I read you have to consume more calories to gain muscle but consume less calories than I burn for weight loss. What should I do? Any tips on workouts? Remember idont have access to a gym i only have those 3 things. Thanks

Why People Want to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
you need 1.5 grams of protein for each pound u weigh
an also 20x your body weight overall calories
an lift heavy

  • junk food will not help with muscle gain so drop that (of course have some every now and again). You want to add calories by adding more protein to your diet (meat, eggs, milk, beans, peanut butter, etc).
  • Start out with cardio to get your heart rate going do at least 20 minutes of cardio before working out every day and 40 minutes of lifting going all out every single day, monday wednesday friday do upper half of your body (arms=biceps triceps and grip) neck and abs, tuesday thursday saturday do your back and legs with sunday being your resting day, as for what to eat: eat lean meats like turkey tuna fish chicken buffalo shark cartilage, whatever you like to eat out of those, buffalo is the leanest meat you can eat, vegetables, stay away from fast food and chips and anything with grease sugar or chocolate, good luck bud just remember stay focused even when you feel like giving up just remember not only are you getting the body you want but youre adding days to your life.
  • Just change your diet. Eat protein and vegetables and you will be fine. Workout. Find an activity that you be consistent with. Your body is changing and if you stay consistent with a healthy diet, work hard and dedicate yourself, you will burn the fat and build muscle.
  • keep up the good work, what your doing is all you need to do. People try roids and thats fine as long as you do your homework.
  • I was wondering whether there was a quick way to burn off calories without increasing my muscles?
  • You should probably be eating about 2,500 calories a day at least. I would focus on eating a lot of protein and carbohydrates for energy.
  • you dont need extra calories to repair muscle, just drink a protein shake


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