I want to loose weight...?

I'm 13 5'9 and 140 pounds I'm not very big like when I wear clothes you wouldn't a be able to tell but I have a couple love handles and rolls and I would like to shave some of the weight of my thighs and basically just want to tone up does anybody know easy easy ways and diets to do this I want to be bikini ready by May 28 or early June. I am also a dancer.

Lose Weight With Herbal Products

Recommended Answer:
If you really want to lose weight then follow some tips:
•Go for daily exercise.
•Avoid fats containing foods.
•Avoid fast foods.
•Avoid sweets.
•Walk 45 minutes a day.
•Eat green vegetables rather than oily and stuffy foods.
•Take one tea spoon honey with one hot water glass.
•Should drink lots of water.



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