How can I reach my weight loss goal?

I'm 16 years old, 5'4" and 184 pounds. No matter what I do, I can't seem to lose weight! I've done a lot of research & have been eating 1400-1500 calories a day & exercising 6 days a week for 45mins every other day but I can't find the answer anywhere and all I want to do is find a way to lose weight and keep it off so I can finally be happy with myself! I even done the cabbage soup detox in order to lose the weight fast since everyone says it works, but I heard that in time, you just gain all the weight back. I honestly don't know what to do and I never receive answers. I feel helpless and all I want is to get down to my goal weight of losing 25-30 pounds and be happy with myself.Corrections: I work out 45mins 6 days a week on a stationary bike burning ~ 1000 calories. I also do 150 crunches a day & drink 4 room temperature water bottles a day

How to Lose Weight Gain Muscle

Recommended Answer:

what food are you eating? healthier food will help you lose weight 45 min of what kind of exercising? WALK.. jog and run, if you can.. if not, do it til you can.. then jog and runat (under losing weight).. click on how to lose 50 pounds in 5-8 months and he will tell you EXACTLY what you need to doHEY, you can do it :)

Other Answers:

  • this is an article about a program where you can eat what you want and workout 3 times a day and lose weight instantly, its incredable. the research for the program is already don for you here. just go to
  • Don't lose faith yet, I'd suggest you try Garcinia Cambogia diet. It amongst other contains HCA that ensures rapid fat burn and it is quite effective.
  • You can try this weight loss program. I heard that it helped a lot of people.


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