I'm 16 year old girl. I've never been skinny. I'm 5'4 and 118 lbs. I have a lot of fat on my belly and inner tights. On the contrary I have very skinny-looking arms and small boobs. I would like to be like my friends. They're the same age and eat even junk food, sweets, don't drink enough water... and they're sooo skinny and they have no acne. I do have and I clean my face twice a day. I've already lost about 11lbs but my belly fat and inner-thigh fat is still there.Q: what diet should a girl like me have? E.g.: Should I go vegan, or what?? I want it to be healthy for me, not something extreme :)
How to Lose Weight Fast With Yoga
Recommended Answer:
Run. I used to have really skinny legs but now their in shape, plus it toned my belly so I have abs. I run & do core abs after that. To clear my face, I use oatmeal (I got the idea from bubz beauty from YouTube) & it totally works! I had horrible acne. Oh & eat right. 3 meals a day.
Other Answers:
- Diet is only half of the equation. Personally I just do less food and more working out. I recommend running. Maybe sign up for Cross country.
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