How much should I jog for a workout?

I was jogging a little over a mile everyday in the morning for a workout. I wasn't looking to lose was more to just stay in shape and be toned and fit. Lately I haven't been jogging and I've gained about 7 pounds. I'm starting to watch more what I eat and I want to go jogging again. Is a little over a mile a good amount to run? I want to lose these 7 pounds and maybe a little more especially off of the stomach area. Also is there any tips on how to get rid of excess belly fat or weight? Please answer:)

How to Lose Weight Without Diet Pills

Recommended Answer:

Don't jog do muscle building, I'm not talking about super muscular muscle building.You should start building muscle using weights because he the more you work out your muscles the higher you metabolism goes plus fat is needed to build muscle.Cardio workouts degenerate your muscles and make you weaker but it improves your endurance.If you start to see muscle and you don't like it you can jog it away.Now that I have muscles I can eat all I want because my metabolism built up, a tight body looks better that a slim one.

Other Answers:

  • At least 15 minutes to start burning fat. In your case that ll probably be 2 miles but betterIs 3 miles. So you gonna have to step it up a notch. It shouldn't take lomg when you do this And monitor your food basically means for you just eat like you normally do sansThe junk food and softdrinks.
  • A 15 - 20 minutes jog each day is good but you got to push your self. make it intense. Change your diet and contine the jogging for another week morning and evening then after five days start some sit ups. Google the different types and their effectiveness. Be consistent.


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