Can anyone tell me how to lose weight fast.?

I would like to lose 35-50 pounds. I was wondering if anyone knew of good diet pills and home remedies I could do.. and I already know the health risks of diet pills, so please no one get all judge Judy about it!:p

How to Lose Weight with Coffee

Recommended Answer:

There is no problem at all for those who would like to take diet pill. The most important is stay healthy by taking healthy meals and regular exercise. I personally recommend you to take either raspberry ketone or garcinia cambogia. Because these two is safe/natural and have being recommended by Dr OzYou can find out more of these diet pill here:

Other Answers:

  • You cannot lose weight fast, "real" diet pills only come from a pharmacy and cost $160 a month
  • For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise. Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in The natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.
  • You can read a good Weight Loss Article here about losing weight fast for a special event that should give you some ideas. Personally I like to use a thermogenic fat burner right before my workouts to increase my energy and fat burning and really accelerate my weight loss. Do higher rep sets of 12- 15 as well and you will definitely burn off some fat.


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