What movements/workouts best help muscle gain?

My horse has unfortunately lost a lot of muscle and weight due to a huge change in location (used to spend days in stall, now is a pasture horse) so he has dealt with the weather changes, etc. Anyhow, we're working on helping him gain weight, but what sorts of exercises should he be doing to gain back the butt/thigh/neck muscle? Other than typical riding walk/trot/canter and occasional jumping.(In moderation)

How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off

Recommended Answer:

Cavelletti and trotting poles (See this site: http://suite101.com/article/training-horses-over-cavaletti-and-trot-poles-a250100)Also going up and down slight hills to build butt muscle. Swimming is good for the joints and loosening any tightness that can occur in the beginning stages of conditioning.If you ever did vertical flexion before, getting the horse's nose tucked in and looking "Dressage-y", start off with a lot of lateral work and bending first, don't do any vertical stuff for at least a few months. Get him to bend through his spine by riding him on a circle, and raising the inside hand, pressuring and wiggling his nose into the circle, pushing with your inside leg on the girth, and keeping your other rein with contact. It's all jumbled up to learn at first! It's easier to start turning him on the forehand from the ground and saddle, then just perform the aid while he's walking and he'll move sideways, then you can over-do parts of the aid to get him to bend like a C shape through his spine as he does it. Here are some sites to help with bending: http://annamullin.com/how-to-bend-a-horse and http://www.woodlandhorse.com/bendingthehorse.htmlIt's going to be tough for you, too! You need to hold yourself upright to keep from loading on him, so try going into a two-point or half-seat often to relieve his back. Shake things up in the week by going out on a trail ride one day, doing circle work another, lots of canter one day, lots of trot another, practice changing speed often this day, so on so forth.On the ground, try carrot stretches to help him out. See how far you can get him to stretch to reach the carrot; some horses go to the shoulder, some to the hip. Advanced flexible horses can lift a leg while touching their nose to their stifle to scrunch up their abdominal and lateral muscles. http://www.equisearch.com/horses_care/health/alternative_therapies/eqstretch437/


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