how can i lose wieght fast with a motivation?

I am 17 years old, and I am not huge but I am a little on the chunky side and I am ready to lose weight all I have to do I lose 50 pounds to get to my ideal weight, please help me I need some tips on how to lose weight fast!Hey guys thank yall so much :) these answers have helped me

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Recommended Answer:

There is one way you can lose weight fast its call Adonis Golden Ratio it's backed by science and was designed for men to lose weight or get fit in a very short amount of time my brother who at the time was very over weight gave it a try and not only did he star to lose weight very fast his confidence started to go up and that motivated him to push harder here is the product review if you want to check it out good luck!!!

Other Answers:

  • Drinking two cups of water before eating makes you lose 12 pound in 4 months
  • Just cut out salts and sugars. Stick to fruits and vegteables. Also eat 5-6 SMALL meals a day it keeps your metabolism going resulting in fat burning. Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day, if you can drink 3-4 glasses of green tea a day. Do NOT starve yourself. Also don't eat past 6 or 7pm. Lastly keep working out hard! I suggest jumping jacks, bicycle situps, situps, pushups, planks, burpees, lunges, leg lifts, squats, wall sits, running, oblique twists, donkey kicks, crunches, and lastly mountain climbers you only have to do a little. Hope this helps! :)
  • At 17, I would not recommend anything hardcore especially not while school is in progress. For starters, eat a lot more veggies and drink a lot more water. Remove any empty calorie foods from your diet like candy or pop, and remove foods with high fructose corn syrup. You'd be surprised how many "healthy" things have that. Even most cereals have this so beware. It will make you store more fat! Eat low-sugar foods that make you feel fuller longer like brown rice, beans, oatmeal, veggies. If you can't access these foods, don't worry too much! Just try to avoid anything high in sugar. Try to walk more often, preferably 2-5 miles per day. You can run instead but duration is more important than intensity for calorie expenditure. I'd aim for reducing calories by about 500 per day. You will burn plenty more on top by walking a lot. Doing anything high intensity can help but the drawback is it makes you more hungry or tired (if you don't eat to compensate). I would do high intensity stuff like workouts every once in a while but it's not necessary at first when you have 50 lbs to lose.
  • give up soda and junk food


Anonymous said...

If you want to lose weight quickly and have tried several weight loss supplements yet could not lose weight. Then, don't be upset use Koutea and lose 5 pounds quickly. It is a combination of 4 unique teas and helps you to lose weight fastly.

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